10 Cool Brands To Shop If You Love Self Portrait


If you are a fan of the luxurious and glamorous appearance of gowns from Self Portrait, then you are just going to fall in love with these ten businesses that are similar to Self Portrait and offer gorgeous occasion clothing!

After completing her studies at Central Saint Martins and receiving a degree in womenswear design, Han Chong founded her own business self-titled Self Portrait in the year 2013.

  1. 1 Bardot

    Cheryl S. Janssen

    Bardot is a company that was founded in 1996 in Australia, and ever since then, it has been producing dresses that are of the highest quality and are quite feminine.

  2. Cheryl S. Janssen

    For those of you who are looking for a dress to wear to an upcoming wedding or other special occasion, Sau Lee is the luxury brand that you should be looking for! In 2014, Cheryl Leung established Sau Lee, and the brand's designs soon gained popularity due to the brand's reimagining of femininity and glamor through its designs.

  3. Cheryl S. Janssen

    The Assignment pattern, much like the Self-Portrait pattern, is ideal for structured dresses that are extremely figure-flattering and have an appearance that is both traditional and refined. There is a particular tweed dress from this brand that is very fantastic, such as this yellow Cady Mini Dress that is inspired by Clueless.

    Assignment characterizes their aesthetic as a combination of the coolness of Los Angeles and the elegance of Paris, with a dash of grandeur from the 1980s thrown in there as well.

    Within the price range of $200 to $350, this business offers a wide selection of fitting dresses, blazers, cropped jackets, shorts, co-ords, and miniskirts. All of these items are available for purchase.

  4. Cheryl S. Janssen

    The fashion publicist Rebecca Vallance worked for a number of years prior to the establishment of her own label in 2011. Soon after, this brand was included in the schedule for New York Fashion Week, and it quickly got the support of a number of famous people, such as Halle Berry, Sienna Miller, Hailey Bieber, and Kate Beckinsale.

  5. Cheryl S. Janssen

    The collection of dresses offered by Self-Portrait has lately been expanded to include some stunning crystal dresses; hence, if you are a fan of these dresses, you are certain to adore the gowns that Santa Brands has to offer.

  6. Cheryl S. Janssen

    Rachel Zeilic, who had previously served as the lead designer for Style Stalker and The Jetset Diaries, is the creator of the style label Majorelle, which is situated in Los Angeles.

  7. Cheryl S. Janssen

    Bronx & Banco is a fantastic company to consider purchasing if you are looking for something to wear to a wedding or other special occasion. This is because, similar to Self-Portrait, they are experts at creating dresses with delicate lacework embellishments.

  8. 8 Area

    Cheryl S. Janssen

    The brand Area is comparable to Self Portrait in terms of its feminine style and its fun use of color; however, the pieces that are sold by Area are a little more expensive than those sold by Self Portrait. The year 2014 marked the beginning of this New York-based luxury company, which was founded by Piotrek Panszczyk and Beckett Fogg. The brand immediately became an essential part of the womenswear industry.

  9. 9 PatBO

    Cheryl S. Janssen

    This Strapless Mini Dress, which features a figure-flattering silhouette, adorable cut-outs, and lovely bead and crystal embellishments, is just one example of the exquisitely designed and highly adorned designs that are available from PatBO. We simply like these pieces like this one.

  10. 10 Zhivago

    Cheryl S. Janssen

    Zhivago has become well-known for its strong, dramatic silhouettes, complex detailing, and bright prints in designs that are sought after by a large number of celebrities, such as Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, and Khloe Kardashian. The brand was established in 2012, and since then, it has gained a reputation for these characteristics.

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