21 Ideas for Summer Hairstyles for Black Women with Braids 2024


Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

Do you happen to be a fashionista? It gives me great pleasure to be able to walk you through the most popular summer hairstyles for black women braids in the year 2024. I am a successful stylist in the field. Braids are more than simply a hairdo; they represent a personal statement, a tribute to a culture, and a significant piece of artistic expression. This summer, it is all about embracing braid styles that are daring, unique, and gorgeous. Now, let’s have a look at these 21 concepts that are so captivating that they are sure to attract attention!

1. The Classic Box Braids


Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

The box braid is a classic style. Their versatility, ease of maintenance, and suitability for any summer occasion make them an ideal choice. In the year 2024, we are witnessing a trend toward chunkier braids, which provide a look that is both daring and gorgeous.

2. Bohemian Braids

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

When it comes to bohemian braids, the essence is a laid-back and free-spirited vibe. Include shells or beads to create a look that is authentically summery. This look is ideal for days spent at the beach and attending music festivals.

3. Cornrow Updo

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

A cornrow updo is not only fashionable; it is also a tribute to the diverse cultural history that we have. If you want to show off your one-of-a-kind individuality this summer, try out an updo that features intricate patterns.

4. Micro Braids

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

In the year 2024, micro braids are experiencing a significant resurgence in popularity. In addition to being sophisticated, they offer a wonderful foundation upon which to play with a variety of hairstyles.

5. The High Ponytail Braid

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

The high ponytail braid is a stylish and functional hairstyle, particularly during the warm summer months. Keeping your hair out of your face while yet appearing incredibly lovely is a fantastic method to accomplish this.

6. Goddess Braids

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

The goddess braid is a daring and stunning hairstyle. As a result of their strength and elegance, they are ideal for making a statement at any event that takes place during the summer.

7. Zig-Zag Braids

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

Zig-zag braids are a trendy and playful hairstyle. They give your summer style a humorous touch and are sure to generate a conversation with anybody who sees them!

8. Braided Bob

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

A bob with braids is the ideal combination of refinement and edge in a hairstyle. It is a style that requires little upkeep and is perfect for the hot summer days.

9. The Fulani Braids

Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

There is a strong connection between Fulani braids and African culture. Because they are both classic and contemporary, they are an excellent option for both formal and informal occasions, such as cultural gatherings and picnics.

10. Butterfly Braids


Further augmentation of curl texture and volume may be achieved by the application of chunky highlights, which provide a wonderful contrast to the dark brown base hue that is being utilized in this specific instance.


The purpose of this particular style is to get a look that is either natural or wild in its curls, while also adding a touch of brightness and drama.

There is a lot of volume and attention to detail in butterfly braids. You can add a dash of quirkiness to your summertime look with their help.

11. Lemonade Braids

The Lemonade braids, which were made famous by Beyoncé, are an absolute must-try. They are sophisticated and fashionable, making them ideal for any summer occasion.

12. Colorful Braids

Do not be afraid to play around with color during the summer! For a look that is both exciting and youthful, braid your hair and add some brilliant colors to it.

13. Half-Up, Half-Down Braid

The flexibility of loose hair and the sophistication of braids are both included into this design, which delivers the best of both worlds.

14. The Crown Braid

Both regal and refined, a crown braid is a hairstyle. When you want to feel like a queen at any event, this is the perfect outfit for those memorable summer nights out or any other occasion.

15. Jumbo Braids

The jumbo braid is more than simply a fashion statement; it’s a true statement. When it comes to establishing an impression, they are not only stunning but also daring.


16. Braided Bun

In terms of elegance and simplicity, a braided bun is the pinnacle of beauty. It is an excellent method for beating the heat while simultaneously looking effortlessly fashionable.

17. Side-Swept Braids

If you want to keep your hair out of your face during the summer heat, side-swept braids are a great way to achieve a one-of-a-kind, asymmetrical appearance that is both fashionable and practical.

18. Twisted Rope Braids

Braids made of twisted rope are both inventive and fashionable. Traditional braiding techniques are given a contemporary update by these approaches.

19. Waterfall Braids

The waterfall braid is a beautiful and gentle hairstyle that is ideal for a wedding or a date during the summer.

20. Accessorized Braids


Adding a one-of-a-kind touch to your summer hairdo by accessorizing your braids with rings, wires, or flowers offers a variety of options.

21. Braids with Undercut

The combination of braids and an undercut is a daring and edgy hairstyle. It is ideal for individuals that take great pride in sticking out from the crowd.

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