Blazer Revival (4/14)


Cheryl S. Janssen

As the temperature continues to drop, it is time to put away those shorts you wore over the summer and appreciate the warm and inviting atmosphere of autumn! There is no fall look that is complete without a blazer, and this young lady is really killing it with hers. The ripped jeans and sleek black boots that she is wearing are absolutely killing it when it comes to the stylish style. This blazer is giving off serious "boss babe" vibes like no other.

What is the point of having pumpkin spice lattes when you have a beautiful outfit? If we are being completely honest, this is the ideal ensemble for going apple picking, getting a pumpkin spice latte, and showing off your skills at the pumpkin patch in your neighborhood. Considering how comfy and fashionable this style is, you will want to wear it on a daily basis!

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