Cozy Cool (9/14)


Cheryl S. Janssen

It is safe to say that this ensemble is giving off "fall vibes." The brown fluffy jacket appears to be quite comfortable and is an excellent choice for the chilly fall days. Imagine a giant, warm hug being given to your entire body! In addition, the ripped jeans give the outfit a touch of edginess. This is an outfit that you may wear to school, to hang around with friends, or even to a casual date. There is a possibility that you might even catch a few leaves falling on your head right now!
A large brown tote bag is an excellent choice for transporting all of your belongings, particularly if you are a student who has a large number of books to carry around. It is similar to a miniature wardrobe, as it is able to contain your notebooks, phone, and even a few nibbles for when you are feeling down in the afternoon. Fall, you are more than prepared for anything!

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