Cozy Chic (11/14)


Cheryl S. Janssen

The photograph depicts a young lady who is wearing an equally lovely fall attire. She is wearing a white blazer that appears to be able to keep you warm on a chilly day, and did you notice that she is wearing brown pants? They are the epitome of comfort and chicness! It's almost as if she's ready for a pumpkin spice coffee and a walk in the park; that's the perfect way to celebrate the fall season, right?
On the other hand, here's the hilarious part: she's also wearing a belt that is incredibly colorful and completely unexpected! It is almost as if she is expressing, "I am not afraid to add a little pizzazz to my fall look." It is demonstrated by this ensemble that it is possible to maintain a fashionable appearance while also keeping warm, and you can even have a little bit of fun with it.

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