Cozy to Chic (13/14)


Cheryl S. Janssen

It is time to put away those summer sundresses and embrace some truly cool fall clothing since the leaves are turning, the air is crisp, and it is time to enjoy Autumn! The fact that this girl is wearing a white suit that is really fashionable and screams "I'm ready for anything" is unmistakable. These pants with wide legs are quite comfortable, and the jacket lends a sense of class to the ensemble. Additionally, those golden buttons are giving us that "boss lady" feeling that we needed.
Always keep in mind that the fall fashion trend is all about layering and adding splashes of color. Experimenting with different textures and patterns is something you shouldn't be afraid to do. For example, you may wear a comfortable cardigan over a flowy shirt or some entertaining tights under your favorite skirt. The important thing is to figure out what makes you feel comfortable and confident. Also, don't forget to bring a cute scarf with you so that you can keep warm on those snowy days! When all is said and done, the best fall costumes are those that make you feel wonderful physically and emotionally.

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