Always Wake Up Same Time Each Morning (2/17)


Larue D. Carlson

I had never been someone who was someone who was a morning person before I made the decision to push myself to wake up earlier each day without any prior experience.

In spite of the fact that this does not appear to be a significant amount, it is precisely for this reason that I became a "morning person" in the first place.

Each and every morning, when I get up at seven o'clock, I am in an absolutely wonderful attitude.

This morning pattern of waking up at the same time every morning (yes, even on weekends) has helped me build the habit of getting up earlier, which has made it easier for me to anticipate the alarm call. This practice has also helped me develop the habit of obtaining better sleep.

Give it at least a week of your time, and you will notice the changes very quickly. This is the bare minimum commitment required.

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