Break A Sweat (7/17)


Larue D. Carlson

What is it like to work out first thing in the morning?! Are you able to believe it?!

Before you go and say "nay-nay sister," I just want you to listen to what I have to say, so please don't leave me alone, sweetheart.

This early in the morning, there is no reason for you to engage in any activities that are risky or time-consuming. You should avoid doing those things.

In order to start the day feeling energized and active, all you need to do is break a sweat by performing your favorite routines. This will allow you to kickstart your day.

In most cases, I start my workout with jumping squats, then I move on to lunges and burpees, and finally I finish with a plank hold for one minute.

In spite of the fact that it takes me around five to six minutes early in the morning, it improves the flow of blood in my body and provides me with a significant amount of energy to start the day.

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