Have A Healthy Balanced Breakfast (10/17)


Larue D. Carlson

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is also the most important meal overall.

You should never, under any circumstances, skip breakfast, and you should always make sure that breakfast is the most nutritious and wholesome meal that you have during the day. For example, you should never skip breakfast.

You will be able to guarantee that it will continue to be nutrient-dense throughout the remaining meals if you use this strategy.

In my opinion, a nutritious breakfast should have all of the following components: a modest quantity of protein, a moderate quantity of fats, and a substantial quantity of complex carbohydrates that are beneficial to one's health.

Here is my all-time favorite breakfast dish, which is as follows:

Sixty-five milliliters of rolled oats
half a cup of yogurt made from Greeks
A single banana with a palm's worth of berries as a snack

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