Enchanted Lady: (2/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This lady gives off the impression that she is prepared to take on the entire globe, one mountain at a time! The clothing that she is wearing is so lovely that it looks like a flower garden that has been reduced down to fit her. It even has a lovely sparkle to it, which is something that is guaranteed to be a positive thing, right? I have no doubt that she possesses a great deal of self-assurance as well. The only thing she is doing is standing there and saying, "Yeah, I'm totally rocking this."

The humorous aspect is that you can image what would happen if she were to trip over that rock. Like a flower flowing in the breeze, I bet that it would be the most graceful journey that has ever been taken. Considering that charming ladies are always up for a good time, regardless of the circumstances, it is likely that she would simply laugh it off.

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