Scarlet Siren: (3/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

The pink blazer that this lady is wearing is so daring that it would make even Barbie green with envy. It's almost as if she's saying, "I'm here to make a statement, and I'm not afraid to be stylish while I'm doing it." Those white jeans and white shoes are the perfect combination to create the "charming lady" appearance that she has mastered. The way she is speaking is almost as if she is saying, "I am a walking ray of sunshine, and I am ready to brighten up your day." Just keep in mind that if you decide to try out this style, you should always make sure to apply sunscreen; you don't want to end up with a sunburn like a lobster!
On the other hand, the charming aspect is not limited to the attire. Look at that grin of yours! She exudes the kind of self-assurance that makes you want to give a pink blazer a shot right along with her. It is possible that you will become the next "charming lady" on the block. Who knows? Remember to bring the handbag that goes with your outfit; otherwise, you might be missing out on that "put-together" feeling. Keep in mind that self-assurance is essential!

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