Citrus Crush: (4/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This woman is just slaying it with a style that is absolutely "bluetiful"! The top and pants that she is wearing are a perfect combination, and they are scream "summer chic." The bell-bottom pants that she is wearing are giving us huge vibes from the 1971. It is almost as if she is prepared to descend from a time machine and make her way onto the dance floor.

On the other hand, what makes this ensemble so endearing is the way in which she has accessorized it with some timeless pieces, such as a lovely small suitcase and fashionable heels. That you don't have to be very fancy in order to appear amazing is demonstrated by this. At times, all that is required to attract attention and make a statement is a straightforward and sophisticated ensemble. As an added bonus, that smile is infectious! By wearing this fashionable and surprisingly comfortable outfit, she gives off the impression that she is prepared to take on the world.

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