Bloom & Bloom: (7/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

The lady in question is wearing an outfit that is quite stunning and is centered around the color orange. Her trousers and coat are the ideal shade of burnt orange, and the red turtleneck she is wearing is the perfect way to give a splash of color to her ensemble. It seems as if she has stepped out of a fashion magazine, and it makes me wonder whether she is going to a big party or whether she is simply going to get a coffee by herself with some friends. In all seriousness, who wouldn't want to keep her dress for themselves?

Is there anything else that is cool? She is really killing it when it comes to confidence, and I have no doubt that she is attracting attention wherever she goes. The "charming lady" style is something that she has mastered, thanks to her adorable little smile and those beautiful earrings. In conclusion, if you are seeking for some ideas to inspire your fashion sense, this lady has you covered! It's possible that she has a secret to share about how to successfully pull off a vivid color like orange, because she's making it look like it's something that comes naturally to her.

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