City Slicker: (8/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This woman is a style icon when it comes to jumpsuits! It is as if she has just sprung from the pages of a fashion magazine. The pristine white linen is extremely sophisticated, and the wide-legged pants are ideal for displaying her great shoes. Also, the fabric is so crisp. A splash of color is added by the belt, which also helps to draw attention to her waist. How about we speak about those earrings for a moment? To put it simply, they are spot on! My guess is that she is currently on her way to a formal occasion, or perhaps even a date with a significant other. This ensemble is the epitome of "sophisticated" and is certain to make her the focus of attention wherever she goes simply because of its sophistication.
But let's be honest: despite the fact that she looks absolutely stunning, we are all aware of the ultimate challenge that comes with wearing a jumpsuit: getting to the restroom. Everything needs to be removed from your body! The one and only drawback to this appearance is that. In a way, it's similar to going out in public while wearing a onesie. However, if she is feeling confident and killing it with her appearance, I have no problem with that! It is without a doubt a stunning lady attire that is certain to make her feel both more confident and more fashionable.

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