White Canvas: (14/15)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This lady is standing there like she's right out of a fairytale, and she is giving off huge princess feelings! Just take a look at that stunning red outfit; it is like a ray of sunlight against those historic structures in Europe. She is really stunning. Although she appears to be getting ready for a big party, she is actually wearing it in a very casual manner. As an example, let's say Cinderella made the decision to forego the pumpkin carriage and instead choose to walk about town looking very stunning. Whenever you see her, you can't help but break out in a grin because she exudes an air of self-assurance and charm that is almost impossible to ignore.
Even though she is standing directly next to a large gate that is black in color, it seems as though it does not matter because she is the one who is taking the spotlight! It's almost as if the gate is just waiting for her to fling it open and head through it to embark on a fantastical journey. One charming dress at a time, she is ready to take on the world, and you just know that she has all she needs to accomplish her goals.

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