A hand full of almonds vs. a packet of fruit pastils (2/16)


Larue D. Carlson

It is wonderful that a lot of people select almonds because of their flavor or the nutritional benefits that they give. Almonds are offered by a number of different companies. The consumption of almonds is commonly preferred above the consumption of fruit pastes when it comes to offering a mental boost. Almonds are completely okay, which is why this is the case. In circumstances in which the majority of my diet is composed of foods that are high in micronutrients and are well-balanced, I have no problem consuming something that is less nutritious simply because I enjoy the flavor of it. This is because I know that I am getting the nutrients that I need. This choice is totally up to the exclusive discretion of the individual...  My understanding of what constitutes "healthy" is that it is precisely what I make it to be. Fruit Pastels, when consumed in moderation, have the potential to boost my sense of happiness, which I believe is a significant contribution to my overall health but only when consumed in moderation.

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