Reflect (1/6)


Larue D. Carlson

Every person will have a different routine that they follow in order to take care of oneself. With regard to the process of building a routine for self-care, there are no predetermined recommendations to adhere to. Consider the things that have been of assistance to you in the past with regard to your requirements. Taking this into consideration is something that should be done. Perhaps a specific habit has assisted you in experiencing less anxiety, or perhaps avoiding a specific kind of food has made it simpler for you to get a good night's sleep. Both of these things could be contributing factors. It is also possible that you have established routines that have motivated you to be more productive. This is especially true if the routines you have built are the ones that allow you to feel the most at ease.

Think about the things that are working well for you, the things that are not working well for you, and the things that you would not mind doing more of in your day-to-day life if you had the opportunity.

You can also compile a list of your requirements in the order of their priority, beginning with the need that is the most important to you and thinking about what activities or approaches would be most useful to meeting that need first. This is another option.

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