Write down how you feel at the end of each week (5/6)


Larue D. Carlson

Find the difference between how you felt at the beginning of the week and how you felt at the end of the week and compare and contrast the two. How did you come to notice a shift, and are there any patterns that you can see in the routine that you follow for your own self-care?

It's possible that you felt the most at peace when you were outside, when you were in the midst of nature, or when you treated yourself with a sophisticated meal. All of these moments could have contributed to your sense of calm.

In the case that you found yourself feeling most at ease in natural environments, you might want to think about doing things like bringing a few plants into your room or going for a walk in the woods on the weekends rather than doing something else. With the assistance of these themes, which are vital to your journey toward self-care, you will be able to select the activities that are unique to you.

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