Anastasia’s Second Chance (1/3)


Larue D. Carlson

At the time when Anastasia arrived at the clinic, she was having difficulty breathing and so need oxygen in order to continue living. We exerted a great deal of effort in order to stabilize her before carrying out the essential tests, which included x-rays of the chest and skull, ultrasounds, and blood testing. In the end, the outcomes were catastrophic. Her stomach was full with stones, which was strong evidence that she had ingested them out of desperation due to the severe hunger that she was experiencing. Unfortunately, her jaw was not fractured as a result of the kick. Due to the fact that the stones may potentially induce a blockage or even perforate her intestines, we had to keep a constant eye on her. Because she was frail and weak, she was not prepared for surgery. Instead, I made an effort to induce vomiting in the hopes of alleviating some of the pressure surrounding me. An additional ultrasound showed that the majority of the stones had been removed; nevertheless, there were still a few large things that were stuck in her gut, which required an endoscopic treatment to be performed. Thank goodness, everything went off without a hitch, and we were able to successfully remove the foreign things.

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