Canelo’s Journey to Healing (3/4)


Larue D. Carlson

The transformation of Canelo began to take place with each passing week. Both his weight gain and the completion of his second round of chemotherapy contributed to an improvement in his health. Despite the fact that the path to recovery was a lengthy one, we never lost hope. We observed that the tumor was reducing by the third week, after he had received his fourth chemotherapy session. This allowed us to see his beautiful face. The medical professionals predicted that he would require only a few more treatments until he was completely rid of cancer. Under our treatment, Canelo flourished despite experiencing a number of difficulties, including anemia brought on by the illness. To facilitate his rehabilitation, we made certain that he was provided with nourishing meals that were abundant in liver and red meat. Canelo was ultimately able to be cancer-free after spending six months, undergoing nine chemotherapy treatments, and receiving an abundance of affection from his foster mother and our team.

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