How to manage stress so that it brings benefits? (8/8)


Larue D. Carlson

Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your emotions and physical sensations to notice signs of excessive stress in time.

  • Use relaxation techniques: Meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation help reduce stress levels.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress and produce endorphins.
  • Maintain a sleep and nutrition regime: Adequate rest and healthy eating increase resistance to stress.
  • Develop social connections: Communication with loved ones and support from others help to cope with stress.
  • Practice positive thinking: Try to find positive aspects in difficult situations.
  • Plan your time: Proper organization of the day will help to avoid unnecessary stress due to haste and overload.
  • Learn to say no: Don’t take on too many commitments that may cause undue stress.

Remember that moderate stress is a natural and healthy response of the body. It helps us adapt to changes, overcome difficulties and develop. The key to health is the ability to find a balance between stress and relaxation, use the energy of stress for good and give the body

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