Sample HIIT workout for older adults (1/6)

Larue D. Carlson

This routine is an excellent way to get started with a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. There is no need for any equipment, and the level of each high-intensity interval training workout may be easily adjusted.

HIIT is a form of exercise that consists of periods of recovery in between phases of high-intensity exercise. To get a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, perform each of the exercises listed below for thirty to sixty seconds. If you want to recover before moving on to the next exercise, you should first march in place for thirty to sixty seconds. There is always the option to march in place for a longer period of time if you are not yet ready to push yourself again. Repeat this pattern, progressively increasing the length of your workout until you reach thirty minutes. When you are first beginning, you should only perform as much as you are able to do while still maintaining proper form.

Hi-intensity interval training (HIIT) should never be so taxing or unpleasant that you are unable to complete the intervals.

In the exercises that follow, the term "tempo" should be used to indicate the amount of time that should be allocated to each of the key motions that are included in the exercise. At the beginning of the exercise, for instance, you should count to three as you perform the first half of the exercise, then you should hold the new position for a count of one, and finally, you should return to the starting position as you count to three. Cardio exercises that are performed at a faster rate typically have a tempo that looks like 1–1–1–1–1, which means that one count is performed for each component of the exercise.

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