Plank stand (5/6)


Larue D. Carlson

Your feet should be together, and your arms should be at your sides when you stand. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tight.
At the same time that you are bending your knees and placing your hands on the ground, hinge forward from your hips. Please bend your knees as far as they need to go in order for you to be able to place your hands on the ground.
To achieve a plank position, walk your hands out until your body is in that position. To achieve the plank posture, your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels, and your hands should be placed squarely behind your shoulders.
The next step is to roll up to the starting position while walking your hands back toward your feet.
Continue doing this for the remainder of the interval that is thirty to sixty seconds. During the interval, the tempo is as follows: 1–4–1–4–1.
As a means of simplifying this activity: If you begin on all fours, walk your hands out to a plank position from where you are now standing. In order to perform the most straightforward variant, you can either maintain your knees on the floor or elevate them off the floor while you move your hands outward.

In order to make this exercise more challenging, while you are in the plank position, rise and lower each leg, lifting your foot off the floor, and then walk your hands back.

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