Lauren and the Bun Bun’s Journey (1/3)


Larue D. Carlson

After we had settled in, Bun Bun was so excited that she could not contain herself. She walked about, making an effort to meet and greet everyone. Girl, try to calm down! In an effort to prevent her from straining herself beyond her limits, I chuckled and told her, "You can't go crazy just yet." We were instructed by the personnel to maintain her composure in order to facilitate her recuperation; yet, Bun Bun was bursting with a desire to play and discover new things. "Hey there, sweet lady!" Lauren added her two cents, her eyes glistening with pride and devotion. "You have a really large number of friends here!" We all observed as Bun Bun explored her new surroundings, eagerly sniffing everything that came into view from the moment she arrived.

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