A Second Chance for Alice (1/3)


Larue D. Carlson

I had no idea what had transpired with her condition. It was possible that she had been abused, or it could have been if she was born in that manner, having been cruelly abandoned by someone who was unable to look past her differences. In spite of her history, I was aware that she was in pain, and I had to take immediate action. I hurried her to a veterinarian in Moscow so that she may receive the most proper care. The conclusions of the doctors were extremely upsetting. She had suffered harm to her brain in addition to the physical breakdown she had suffered. Someone had kicked her, putting her in this dreadful condition. She was born with a weak skull, and someone had kicked her. Blood testing revealed that her mother had a severe deficiency in fundamental nutrients; it is likely that her mother had not eaten adequately, which had an effect on her milk. Our baby Alice had been so hungry that she had eaten stones in order to survive, as evidenced by the ultrasound exam that revealed the presence of huge stones in her little abdomen.

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