A robust chair should be positioned against a wall so that it does not move. Alternately, you may use one that is so hefty that it cannot be transported.
Take a seat on the edge of the chair and bend your legs as you do so. When you touch the floor, only your heels should do so.
Grasp the edge of the chair with your hands and place them on the chair next to your hips.
In order to clear the edge of the chair, you should elevate your buttocks and shift them forward as the pressure is applied to your hands.
Lower your hips toward the ground while bending your elbows backward a little bit. No further than the point when your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle should you lower yourself. Make sure that your shoulders are not touching your ears and that your back is pressed against the chair.
Take a brief pause.
To return to the starting posture, slowly straighten your arms out in front of you. As you straighten your arms, exhale as you do so.