A high ponytail can save you! (5/9)


Shelbs James

For women with shorter hair, sporting a high ponytail can be a game-changer! Not only does it pull attention upward, giving the impression that you are taller than you actually are, but it also works wonderfully to highlight your facial characteristics. Your neck will appear longer and more youthful with this hairdo, which also helps to extend your neck.
You may wear your hair in a high ponytail for every event, whether you are going to the gym, going out for a casual lunch, or dressing up for a night out. This is because it is quite versatile. If you want your hair to look more finished, you can wrap a strand of hair around the base of your head or add a little volume at the crown to give it an extra lift. You may take your outfit to the next level and feel confident throughout the day with nothing more than a simple tie.

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