Using button-down skinny jersey sweaters (5/15)


Shelbs James

The snug, lightweight knit cardigans with buttons are something that many of us have. These cardigans are fantastic for layering, but they can be difficult to fit well. There is a possibility that these fitting cardigans will not provide you with the sleek appearance that you are looking for if you carry additional weight around the shoulders or waist. Instead, they have the ability to bring attention to regions that you would like ignore, which may give the impression that you are more expansive.

Consider selecting a knit jacket with an open front and a slightly looser fit to prevent this situation. A more relaxed fit allows for greater versatility in terms of styling, since it skims over your body in a way that is not adhering to any particular regions. In order to get a longer and more balanced profile, it is recommended that you search for garments that have draped fabrics or longer cuts that fall just below the hips. Cardigans with an open front or waterfall design are particularly effective since they create a smooth vertical line that might make you appear smaller and more put together than you actually are. It is also important to remember to select cardigans in neutral or darker tones in order to achieve a sophisticated and flattering look that is simple to style with any outfit!

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