Being afraid of monochromatic looks (6/15)


Shelbs James

It is easy to make the assumption that wearing a single color is too plain or boring, but in reality, this technique can result in a look that is beautifully streamlined and balanced. A continuous line is created when you wear a single hue from top to bottom, which gives the impression that you are taller and more slender than you actually are.

On the other hand, if you choose a color or pattern that is particularly striking for only your lower half, it has the ability to attract attention to that area, which could result in your lower body appearing larger. You should try tucking your top into the waistband of your skirt or high-waisted pants if you are wearing either of those items. This straightforward technique helps to define your waistline, so preventing the appearance of a lower or undefined waist. Additionally, it ensures that the focus remains on your shape rather than on any particular component of your ensemble.

When you want to add some excitement to a monochrome design, try experimenting with different textures or fabrics that are the same hue. For instance, adding depth and visual intrigue to an outfit by wearing a silk shirt with a knit skirt in the same hue together is a great way to avoid breaking the unified line. Keep in mind that a one-color costume can be adorned with a touch of personality through the use of understated accessories such as a belt or basic jewelry, all without disrupting the impact of the ensemble being elongating.

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