Wearing a belt that is too thin and bright (8/15)


Shelbs James

A belt in a light hue can be a fashionable accent to an outfit; however, it is best to mix it with other items that are wisely chosen. By establishing a strong line across your midsection, a light belt worn with a dark coat, for example, might have the unintentional consequence of making your waist appear significantly wider than it actually is. In its place, you should strive for equilibrium by selecting a belt that either compliments or matches the overall tone of your ensemble. This will ensure that the appearance remains coherent and pleasing.

Regarding the width of the belt, it is important to consider proportion. It is common for thin belts to be obscured by heavier materials or ensembles that are layered, particularly when they are worn with coats or pants that have a high waist rise. Wide belts, on the other hand, can provide rigidity and shape, so assisting in the definition of your waist and the creation of a shape that is balanced. Because they serve to emphasize the waistline, they are especially appealing when worn with long coats, dresses, or high-rise pants. This is because they give both style and shape to your overall appearance.

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