Wearing a skirt or a dress that is longer than your coat (10/15)


Shelbs James

Creating a harmonious silhouette by layering with jackets or coats requires careful consideration of both the length of the garment and the color of the coat or jacket. In the event that your jacket or coat is shorter than your skirt, it is highly recommended that you steer clear of wearing the two together, particularly if the two items are of different colors. A visual divide can be created as a result of this, which essentially "cuts" your form in two, giving the impression that you are larger than you actually are and breaking the flow of your outfit.

Instead, choose clothing that is longer and falls at or below the hem of your skirt. Consider this option. This results in the formation of a continuous line that has the effect of lengthening your profile and providing a more streamlined look. Moreover, you should think about selecting outerwear in hues that are either complementary to or complementing the color of your skirt. The use of this consistent color scheme reduces the number of visual breaks, which further improves your overall appearance.

In the event that you do decide to integrate a shorter jacket into your wardrobe, you should strive to pair it with high-waisted skirts or slacks that allow the jacket to sit just above the waist. This will attract attention to your natural curves without producing a divided look. When you give careful consideration to the lengths and colors of the garments you wear, you may create outfits that are flattering to your figure and boost your style.

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