“From Despair to Joy: The Rescue and Redemption of Bono and His Puppies” (2/4)


Larue D. Carlson

Hope began to emerge in spite of the bleak circumstances. Even though none of the puppies were in a serious condition, the fact that their toenails were curled and long and their bodies were fragile and feeble created a dismal image of neglect. It was impossible for the rescuers to avoid wondering about the whereabouts of their mother and the length of time that these animals had been in pain.

Due to the fact that the dog was struggling to stay alive, it was clear that his condition was quite serious. It was required to provide care for him around the clock because his body was riddled with worms. Constantly washing and sterilizing his wounds, as well as feeding him carefully with frequent, little meals, the veterinarians worked diligently to care for him. It is possible that his weak system could be overwhelmed by an excessive amount of food all at once.

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