The Terrifying Showdown Between A Stray Dog And A Hedgehog (1/4)


Larue D. Carlson

One figure, a stray dog, struggles to survive against overwhelming obstacles in the vast desert, where the sun beats down relentlessly and the dunes extend forever to the horizon. The dog is blinded by pain and desperation.

A kindhearted woman who could not ignore his pain found Willy, as he would later be called, in a secluded area of eastern Utah. Willy was in terrible shape, his body devastated by weeks, if not months, of abuse and neglect. He was malnourished, dehydrated, and flea-infested.

The Community Animal Welfare Society (CAWS) reported that Willy had serious and widespread injuries. Deep in his body, porcupine quills had damaged his eyes beyond repair, leaving him blind and in agonizing anguish.

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