A brave dog saves its owner from a mountain lion attack, displaying remarkable courage and loyalty in a moment of danger. (4/4)


Larue D. Carlson

According to what she wrote, "She is still not out of the woods; she is extremely sedated until we are certain that the pressure in her skull has been decreased." She suffers from two fractures to her skull, a puncture to her sinus cavity, and a significant amount of edema around her left eye, all of which contribute to her poor vision.

However, despite suffering terrible injuries in the process, Eva was able to save the life of her owner.

According to Captain Patrick Foy of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, "I believe it is reasonable to say that the dog definitely saved her life."

Erin said on GoFundMe, "My dog is my hero, and I owe her my life." in reference to her dog.

I am very proud of you, Eva! Your courageous actions in fighting this mountain lion and saving the life of your owner are greatly appreciated. It serves as a reminder of how faithful and protective dogs can be to their loved ones.

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