“A New Life for Xiao Liu, the Little Survivor” (2/4)


Larue D. Carlson

During my subsequent visit, I observed the little dog searching for food, its fragile and very small physique. Because the mother was malnourished, it is quite likely that she was unable to provide nourishment to her young. In my haste to get some goat milk, I improvised a bowl out of a takeaway box and hurried back to my house. It was perhaps the first time in days that the puppy had consumed something, and it did so with a gulp, its little tummy filling out with fullness. Milk clung to its mouth, and for a brief while, it appeared to be satisfied with its situation. I gave my word that I will come back before I departed. After I had returned a few days later, I discovered that the dog had a cold, was continuously sneezing, and appeared considerably dirtier than it had before. Although I asked the neighbor if I may purchase the puppy, he declined my offer. Upon my return a few days later, I saw the miserable puppy nibbling on a piece of charcoal, demonstrating that it was plainly hungry. The moment it caught sight of me, it came bounding over to me, recognizing me, and clinging to my feet as if it didn't want to let go. In a determined manner, I continued to inquire with the neighbor, and in the end, he consented to let me remove it for a little cost.

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