“Azalea’s Journey: From Despair to a New Life” (4/4)


Larue D. Carlson

Despite the passage of time, her condition continued to improve. Even though she was weak and in poor health, Azalea started to regain her strength. As her stomach shrank, her ribs and spine became more visible, exposing the extent to which she had been starving. Even though she was given a dismal prognosis—liver failure—her spirit remained unbroken throughout the ordeal. During the ten days that it took Azalea to recuperate, she underwent intensive therapy, and her medical team meticulously watched her condition throughout that time. After a long wait, she was finally able to leave the veterinarian. Azalea is doing well now that she has found her forever home, and she is having a great time playing with her new pack of ten other dogs. In addition to gaining weight, she is experiencing a return of her energy, and her health is remaining stable. Having been abandoned at one point, the dog is now enjoying the best life possible, surrounded by affection.

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