Bloom & Blaze: (8/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This dress is like a garden party that has exploded all over a maxi dress, but in the most amazing way that anyone could imagine! It has these bright yellow flowers that stand out against a backdrop of leafy green, and the flowy skirt gives the impression that you are walking on sunshine. Just try to picture how comfortable you would be wearing this on a cool autumn day, as you were drinking pumpkin spice lattes and watching the trees change colors.

The plunging neckline and the charming strappy heels give this fall ensemble a bit of a "wow" effect, which adds to the overall impression that it is not your typical fall attire. Therefore, for a day, you don't need to wear those boring jeans and sweatshirts because you deserve to feel like a flower in full bloom when you wear this lovely maxi dress.

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