Chic & Chic-er: This Look Is Next Level!: (6/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This outfit is like a high-fashion chameleon; it can immediately transform from casual to cool in the blink of an eye. A touch of whimsy is added to the leather trousers by the flowery pattern that is featured on both the top and bottom of the pants. The leather pants are really elegant. Just picture yourself wearing this outfit to a school dance or to a get-together with your pals. You'll be the center of attention for all the right reasons, and you'll have the feeling of being the absolute boss!

When contrasted with the black colors, the golden accents on the clothing definitely stand out. It is almost as if the ensemble is muttering, "Hey, I am fashionable, but I am also completely self-assured with myself." Accept it and move on! Anything from a party to a special occasion would be a perfect fit for this style. This is not merely an ensemble; rather, it is a declaration!

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