“Fenix: A New Beginning”** (1/4)


Larue D. Carlson

The results of the tests revealed a high infection, as well as positive results for ehrlichia and anaplasma, and critically low levels of hemoglobin. Thankfully, his legs did not have any fractures; they were simply extremely swollen. Antibiotics, hydration therapy, and gentle care were the initial protocols that the vets implemented in the treatment process. Hoping that he would make it through the night was the only thing we could do. By some miracle, he was successful. The next morning, the physicians informed us that Fenix was responding positively to the treatment. The more time passed, the more he appeared to be a brand new puppy. He was standing on legs that were shaky, eating enthusiastically, and waving his small tail. As of that moment, Fenix was no longer in danger. The therapy for his skin started, and he continued to take antibiotics and deworming medication. In just two weeks, he had undergone a transformation, maturing into a puppy with bright eyes and a healthy body that was ready to be adopted.

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