Homeless Dogs Suffering From Bullets Wounds And Fractured Spine Need Your Support To Recover (1/6)


Larue D. Carlson

In Romania, there are hundreds of thousands of homeless dogs and cats roaming the streets, all of them attempting to find food and a place to sleep. There are a number of persons who suffer injuries and are struck by vehicles, such as Otti, or who are abused by harsh people who consider them to be a nuisance, that is, Alice.

The Romanian government is having a difficult time controlling the stray animal population, which is a major problem for animal welfare in the country. There are a lot of groups that are attempting to assist in spaying, neutering, and treating the homeless animals; yet, they are unable to do so because of the sheer amount of animals that require medical attention.

The SACHE Foundation is a veterinary clinic and animal rehabilitation institution that provides low-cost services to injured animals that are found on the streets. They assist these animals in coming back to health and finding new homes. In addition to this, they are helping to educate people about the necessity of neutering dogs and how they may assist.

Every day, they get calls about animals who are in need, and they do all in their power to assist as many of them as they can. In order to receive assistance with the costs of medical care, they contacted the Emergency Animal Medical Fund of Greater Good Charities. You will meet two canines that have arrived with wounds that are potentially fatal and require your assistance in order to heal.

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