Meet the brave pup who had a close encounter with a bee and came out a little puffier but safe, thanks to a quick rescue! Curious how they saved this little trooper? (1/4)

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Larue D. Carlson

Over the course of many years, I have struggled with my self-image, attempting to shape myself into the ideal of beauty that is imposed by society. I have spent countless hours in front of mirrors, analyzing each and every defect and imperfection, with the hope that I would be able to turn myself into someone who is worthy of adoration. But regardless of how much lipstick I put on or how well I fix my hair, the mirror that seems to be looking back at me is never going to live up to the expectations that society has set for me.

These emotions of inadequacy are more pressing than they have ever been for me today, which is my birthday. As I navigate through my social media accounts, I am welcomed by a plethora of birthday greetings that are accompanied by photographs of happy faces and elegant positions. Despite this, not a single mail is sent to my inbox, and not a single notification appears on my screen. In the middle of a sea of attractive individuals who possess the ability to effortlessly demand attention, it is as if I am invisible.

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