Modern Mod (5/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

These ladies are absolutely killing it in the fashion scene of the sixties! It is clear that they are completely prepared to go out and have a good time because of the vibrant colors, geometric forms, and adorable miniskirts that they are wearing. There is something a little strange about the white boots on the left, but hey, that's just the groovy sixties to you! The self-assurance that these ladies are displaying is just stunning; it's almost as if they are the masters of the entire universe.

I'm willing to wager that they are going to a disco party or a music concert that is totally groovy. In addition to the patterned mini-skirt on the right, the white dress with orange accents is an excellent choice for a night of dancing on the dance floor. They are capturing the essence of the sixties in their fashion statement! They give off the impression that they are prepared to have a great time and appear to be the most hip girls in the audience! To put it simply, that is what I call fashion!

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