Plaid Power: (3/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

The "business casual" emotions that this dress exudes are, however, a little bit different. It's almost as if someone took a traditional jacket and transformed it into a maxi dress that is quite fashionable! The plaid pattern is really fashionable, and the belt gives a sense of sophistication to the ensemble. In order to achieve a more laid-back appearance, you might wear this dress with a pair of boots for a night out, or you could even wear it with sneakers. If you want to look stylish for the fall season without sacrificing comfort, this is the way to go.

For those who are sick of wearing the same old jeans and t-shirt combination, this dress is the ideal way to shake things up and try something new. It is comfortable enough for a night in front of the television, but it also looks fantastic when dressed up for a formal dinner. And if we are being completely honest, who doesn't enjoy a little plaid in their life? It is a timeless look that never goes out of style, much like the checkered flag that represents fashion.

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