Poor Old Dog Got Stuck In An Abandoned Warehouse Just Because His Owner Said He Was A Beast (2/3)


Larue D. Carlson

The horrible conditions in which Thor was kept were a clear indication of the callous contempt that his owner had for his well-being. Nevertheless, in spite of the owner's assertions that Thor was aggressive, Thor's true personality shined through: he was a sweet spirit who yearned for affection and friendship, even in the midst of unspeakable misery.

Thor received the immediate medical treatment and attention that he so sorely need, and the rescuers did not waste any time in bringing it to him. His condition gradually improved with each passing day, his wounds began to heal, and his soul began to slowly but definitely come back to life at the same time.

Additionally, when Thor began his road toward recovery, he discovered that he was surrounded by a community of kind individuals who were resolute in their commitment to provide him with the second opportunity at life that he so justly earned. The metamorphosis that Thor underwent was nothing short of amazing because it was accomplished with love, patience, and steadfast commitment.

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