She’s Got The Look (10/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

This woman is absolutely pulling off the appearance of the 1960s! By virtue of the fact that she is wearing pants with wide legs and a funky hat, she appears to be a time traveler from a decade in which everyone wore their most fashionable clothing. She is obviously aware of what is going on! The attire is uncomplicated yet sophisticated, much like the ladies of the sixties, who did not want a great deal of showy goods in order to look fashionable for themselves. Although you are looking at this picture, you can almost hear the rhythm of a cool song playing in the background.

This ensemble is all about comfort and style at the same time. I am going to do some wonderful things today, and those pants are sending off major "I am going to do some awesome things today" signals. The hat is the right addition to bring everything together well. This outfit is a great illustration of how you can take a traditional style and make it current. It is something that you could wear today and feel confident and cool no matter what you are wearing. Just try to picture yourself walking down the street wearing this outfit, making it your own, and feeling like a complete and utter babe. There's a solid reason why it's considered a classic!

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