Swinging Sixties: Fashion Forward Femmes” (4/10)


Cheryl S. Janssen

One fashionable step at a time, these ladies are prepared to take on the world and make their mark. Those huge, magnificent collars and skirts that swing like a pendulum are the features that make their ensembles the essence of the funky sixties style! They have the entire "mod" look going on, and it is a complete throwback to a time when things were different. They are walking down the street, and it is almost as if you can hear the Beatles playing in the background background. That fashion may be a real time machine is demonstrated by the fact that they can transport you to a period of time when huge hair and even bigger collars were the most popular fashion trends.

What a sight those skirts are! The first lady is wearing a flowery design that is more vibrant than a disco ball, the second lady is wearing a smooth burgundy that is a classic, and the third lady is wearing a sleek gray that is just plain stylish. Each one of them is unique, but they all look great together thanks to the fact that they are wearing black tops that match each other and the extremely adorable collars that give them the appearance of having been taken right from a magazine. Considering that it is a true fashion statement, it is not hard to understand why these ladies were the ones who were setting trends back in the day!

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