Apathy has the potential to become the most lethal epidemic in history. The fact of the matter is that a great number of animals pass away while they are living alone.
Within the streets of Tasajera, a group of volunteers from Manejo de Fauna Callejera came upon this young person just as they were getting ready to begin a new day.
Even though they were alone themselves and unable to move, they believed that he had passed away; yet, they did not pass up the opportunity to be closer to him. It was impossible for him to stand up since he was so feeble.
People stroll by him while he is starving, but no one tries to help him in any way. It is not right that he has been going through so much pain ever since he first opened his eyes in this world. He has only been here for a few days.
The name Gorgojito was given to him. He had a little more energy than usual and kissed a great deal of people… The taste of gratitude, trust, and a great deal of love are all included within a kiss.
Once again, love triumphs, and Gorgojito and his family are having a wonderful time in their new life together.